Awakening Codes of Joyful BlissMonthly. For Members Only.
This event was such a joy for everyone we have been repeating it monthly, to celebrate our gratitude for these simple pleasures with our inclusive membership!
“Shine like the Universe is yours.” ~Rumi Expect to laugh a lot during our time together. Join us in the EmRahMa Community Temple to practice and embody your joyful nature. |
We invite you to explore fun and interesting exercises designed to release tension and stress from our bodies which have been conditioned to hold on to this stress. We will examine ways to liberate ourselves from the old patterns of our thoughts and behaviors, thereby allowing new possibilities and potentials to blossom forth, like thousands of butterflies bursting to be free.
Healing is the consequence of the conscious decision to feel. By traveling through our feelings, we can unlock the joy and happiness available to us even through the most difficult times. Through laughter and imagination we will release the charge of the past months and let go the shackles of thousands of years of limiting paradigms of hostile competition and imperial destruction. Quite often we speak about the Cosmic Energies forgetting that deeply rooted within the Earth and her core are where we meet our most powerful codes of awakening. Through ritual and intention, it is possible to open up to undreamed of potential for healing life on earth. We are here to expand into the next octave of our potentiality, so we may embody more of our divinity by grounding into our body and the body of the Earth to receive the Crystalline Codes that will support us all in this powerful transformative time. |
Womxn's BlissMonthly. For Members Only.
Expect to feel and release and make deep nourishing connections during our time together.
~~Your healing is my healing. Join us in the EmRahMa Community Temple to gather in sacred sisterhood and dissolve generations of energy patterns that limit beliefs, prevent fierce vulnerability, and prevent your unique soul's joyful feminine bliss from resonating out into your community. |
Let us weave new threads in the feminine tapestry, as we come together in a Womb Ceremony, to honor our Sacredness and Heal the Sister Wound. Beloved sisters, you're invited to join us in this beautiful and precious monthly Celebratory and Healing Ceremony to honor the Sacred Feminine with Sound Healing Prayers for the Transmutation of the Sister Wound we've been tasked to heal.
Together in this Sacred Womb Circle, held by the organic web of life and Great’s Mother embrace, we will explore the importance of acknowledging and healing the Mother/Wound Sister/Shadow before diving into a Ceremony with Sound Alchemy directly from the ancient magic of Sinai- Egypt and the indigenous Lenape earth of North America. Collaboratively weaving a healing web that spans the globe, we will use the power of sound to begin the healing process of transmuting the Mother/Wound Sister/Shadow codes, within ourselves and our lineages, that still keep us from co-creating together, supporting one another, celebrating each other. |
What womxn are saying about the therapeutic healing container of this Womb Ceremony - Healing the Sister Wound circle:
Attending the circle has been such a support to me. It’s been an honor to attend such a circle with all of you. The situation with the woman I brought to the circle previously, has healed. There is no animosity, just a deepening of connection and understanding between us. The other day I spoke to a friend. In saying our farewells I reached into that deep space that encompanies both our deep sacred feminine, all with its wounds. It was a beautiful meeting and I'm sure she felt it. This could not have been possible without you all … to hold this circle and create this space.
[These] circles have felt so much in perfect timing with my processes while maintaining connection to the meta- I feel like I can speak the words that come up, feel their power and feel welcome to speak, it’s hard to say what alchemy is at work when, in the past it’s felt different- maybe that I feel I have less armoring, less need to clothe what comes through, or to....yes, assert myself in order to feel seen... that’s been quite difficult, to come to acceptance and love of parts of me that jostle and struggle to be heard. There’s something about the space where those parts of me feel seen and welcome, and other things come through. I feel quite reluctant to leave the circle, though do feel sustained by it afterwards. It doesn’t just disappear.
- S.R.
Thank you all for your invitation to join the Ceremonial Circle. Being there was very comforting and emotional for me. And was helpful for me to releasing an issue that needed to be addressed. Releasing with making sounds and patting around the collar bone and thymus area was very helpful for me. I have not used those method before. Thank you very much to all of you for your commitment to this wonderful work.
- L.O.
About the Facilitators:
Rev. Nicole Popper Katzender
Bliss is my birth-right, every cell in my body knows this, life continuously invites me to revive this innate knowing. I’m Mother Earth’s daughter, and I belong to her vast bountiful, and beautiful queendom. My journey began as a child with memories of an ancient past, immersions in the feminine healing arts of the Curanderas, and the colorful mysticism of Brazil, my birth country.
At an early age, I began my mystical path, igniting an initiatory course into the ancient mysteries of paradoxes and Alchemical Embodiment. I've learned to transmute sorrow into Bliss. My life is a dance of ebbs and flows, expansion, and contraction. Devotion to Love and Bliss, an epic journey of Remembering my Divine Essence.
Rev. Dhyāna Kluth
Learning and sharing Pachamama’s medicine is my life’s path, my soul’s devotion; to decolonize the mind and body, clear the energetic spirit pathways, and heal the rift of separation consciousness, all in order to restore the regenerative balance of Nature. Through deep psyche rebirth, I help guide and hold the vision for people to embrace soul purpose, clear stagnant energy and realign with the original innocence -and fun- of an embodied sensual life. Read my full bio and detailed list of the skills I employ in holding therapeutic spaces for healing work here:
Nicole and Dhyāna are founders of this EmRahMa Mystery College womb university, where courses and transmissions are offered in service of our impeccable evolution in love.
Full Moon TransmissionYou missed this live event but can still receive the audio meditation of this empowering Winds of Change guided journey and transmission. |
A Healing Space
Bathe in the soft power of this full moon. Reflect upon the fullness of all that this earth and our bodies have experienced during the sun of this summer and prepare to enter into the lunar night to replenish yourselves with this liquid light as you draw down the moon into the temple of your body. Lunar Water Ritual Gather an herb to infuse with your lunarized water, a bowl or glass jar, spring or filtered water. We will walk through the lunar water ritual preparation together. On your own, in the dark light of the moon, make a libation to the land, honoring and feeding our ancestors and the primordial elemental energies, when set out the water and collect the infusion the next morning. Journey Fall backward into the arms of the Galactic Mother in a spiraling journey with Air in the Upper Realms to receive your Spirit Messages and Guidance for the time ahead. Sharing Circle If you feel called to stir your messages into the collective healing cauldron to allow the vibratory waves to resonate consciously through all our bodies. We hold this sacred circle for the good of all and send our augmented loving embodied prayers out into the world through our bodies. |
Ancestors Ceremony Nourishing Roots A Powerful Ceremonial Workshop
This event has ended Become a member of the EmRahMa Community Circle to receive advance notice of our upcoming events and courses.
On the holy day of the dead the veil between the worlds thins, offering the living an auspicious time to journey into the Lower World to nourish our roots and celebrate the ones whose shoulders we stand upon.
EmRahMa Mystery College invites you to attend a Joyous Ceremony to Honor your Ancestors as you connect with your roots and nourish the foundation of your existence. Descend into your body and the body of the Earth, commune with the wisdom that is ready to be revealed, the untold stories and codes, the hidden treasures and mysteries the ancestors left for us - to find when the world was ready. Together, in Sacred Circle, we commune with the Ancestors and celebrate the Harvest Season. We welcome the fullness of this Moon and honor the blessings received. |