Embodying Divinity: Rebirth Your Radiance is an accessible nine-month process designed to immerse you within the feminine mysteries and the full-spectrum radiance of your sovereign being. Explore multidimensional chakras and the psychosocial stages of development within your metaphysical journey. Somatically liberate yourself from previous programming with practices that clear and align your energy signature with your natural primal state of vitality. Immerse within the wisdom of womb consciousness to fulfill your soul purpose and passion.
II.Walking with Grace -Thirteen Moon Awakening
Prerequisite: Nine Moon Apprenticeship - Embodying Divinity, or equivalent.
Course begins October 2023 Registration: $4440 Fill out the Enrollment Application for this course to set up an interview.
Walking with Grace is the yang to Embodying Divinity’s yin experience. In other words, this is more theory than the experiential immersive somatic therapy of womb awakening embodiment practices experienced within the Embodying Divinity apprenticeship program. In this thirteen-month process, each month there will be a 3-4hr intensive class teaching a specific skill with tools that can be implemented with your clients (or your personal healing and self-actualization. Whether you already have a therapy business or are wanting to start one, you will sample from amongst a combined 60-years of experience and training to develop and fine tune your medicine.
III. One-on-One Mentor-Apprenticeship
This third-level EmRahMa Mystery College apprenticeship opportunity is designed for those who have moved through the previous cycles. This is a 1:1 mentor-apprenticeship to deepen your professional or personal practice by learning more about any specific focus or set of subjects. Upon completion of EmRahMa Mystery's three cycles of training, you will be initiated as a Minister of EmRahMa Mystery. This distinction allows you to do hands-on energy healing work with clients, in addition to the array of tools from level 1 & 2 apprenticeship programs you are able to utilize to meet the needs of your clients and community.